Friday, November 16, 2007

365 Things to Do with Your Kids...

I just finished a cute, little book by Bill Adler, Jr. 365 Things to Do with Your Kids: Before They're Too Old to Enjoy Them. Basically he comes up with an idea and expands and describes it. I already do many of his ideas and plan to try others. Some of my favorites I've listed below:

# 34 Play Imaginary Stock Market

# 66 Create a continuing story with your kids.

# 137 Sit around thinking up "what ifs"

# 214 Every year on their birthdays write your children a letter telling them how much you love them

# 219 Celebrate a half birthday

# 226 Make wave bottles using colored water and oil and other liquids.

# 227 Make hand prints in plaster on paper plates; then paint and hang from ribbons

# 234 Have a family scavenger hunt

# 297 Play a memory game

# 352 Talk about what you would do if you had one hundred million dollars

# 353 Talk about all the great things you would still have if you didn't have any money at all.

# 355 Write a contract with your child over something important

# 365 Think up your own ideas for things you'd like to do together before your children are too old to enjoy them.


canadiyank said...

That looks really great. I wonder about that as my all too rapidly approach the age of being "too old for these sorts of things." Thanks for the rec.

Meghan fron naznet

Robin said...

Hi Meghan,

Thanks for stopping by :) The book was neat lots of cool ideas. I shared the ones that were of interest to me with young kids there are some older ideas also. Have a great day!