Friday, January 11, 2008

River Rising by Athol Dickson

River Rising is an excellent book that I highly recommend. Many books can be figured out in the first few chapters, but River Rising is not among them. You can look at this novel on multiple levels. Simply put you can consider it historical fiction from an isolated Louisiana town on the Mississippi River in 1927 or you can take it to a deeper level and view it as an allegory that at minimum encourages the reader to acknowledge some thought provoking questions that need to be answered. If you are looking for a simple story with a crisis and resolution or crime and justice this isn’t the story for you – in many ways it’s disturbing, yet it leaves the reader with hope for a better tomorrow. We might find ourselves identifying with one (or more) of the characters which can help us address issues in our lives.

For a great review of River Rising check out Kay's blog or go to Athol Dickson's blog for more background info and study questions. SPOILER ALERT - don't go to the study questions until after you have read the book.

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